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Chris Taylor Ringer

WEB American Chris Taylor at Munich 1972 Olympics

Wilfried Dietrich Hits One of the Greatest Free Throws Ever

Despite the tragedy that unfolded at the 1972 Munich Olympics, there were moments of sportsmanship and triumph.

One such moment came during the basketball game between the United States and the Soviet Union. With just seconds remaining on the clock and the Soviets trailing by one point, Aleksandr Belov made a controversial basket that gave the Soviets the lead. However, the Americans protested, claiming that the basket was made after the clock had expired. The referees agreed and awarded the game to the United States.

In the aftermath of the game, there was much debate about whether or not the referees had made the right call. Some argued that the basket was good and that the Americans should have lost. Others argued that the referees were right to award the game to the United States, as the basket was clearly made after the clock had expired.

Regardless of the controversy, the game between the United States and the Soviet Union remains one of the most memorable moments in Olympic history. It is a story of triumph and controversy, and it is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there can be moments of sportsmanship and fair play.
